Babies Breath, Statice, Carnations, Roses, Mini Carnations.
For all those purple lovers out there, we have the perfect arrangement for any occasion. A purple glass vase filled with premium roses, babies breath, statice (filler), carnations and mini carnations, making this the perfect mix. Accented with a sheer bow for that special touch! Upgrade has more flowers in shades of purple.
A gorgeous arrangement with 18 premium hot pink roses and babies breath in a glass vase. Beautifully accented with a matching bow.The deluxe price is for 24 roses.
Pristine white flowers tastefully designed in a glass vase with a sheer bow. A very appropriate arrangement for a memorial service or sent to the home.
A high quality basket filled with a mixture of tall, full green plants. Available in baskets in 14" diameter or the deluxe 17" garden (see other product pages for smaller and larger sizes). The perfect lasting gift for a business, home or sympathy.
Baskets will vary in color and style, based on availability.
Our best selling 20.5" cement angel with a 6" ivy plant and fresh flowers. Pictured is white fuji mums and white roses, but other color combinations can be requested in the special instructions. Deluxe has more of the same flowers.
2 Elegant phaleanopsis orchid plants with 2 ivy plants in a 10" ceramic container, trimmed with natural moss. *****Orchid colors may vary depending on availability
A simple, stylized tropical design in a glass cube. Comprised of birds of paradise , a mini green hydrangea and purple statice. ****Local deliveries only
A gorgeous mix of fresh jewel-toned garden flowers that are fragrant and stunning, great for a well deserving person! Hot pink roses, blue hydrangeas, lavender mums , purple statice and hot pink boronia (a rare filler flower that smells like nothing else on Earth!). Designed in a 10 5/8" blue glass vase accented with a bright pink sheer bow. Upgrade has more of the same flowers.
"When someone special becomes a memory the memory becomes a treasure"
Honor your loved one with a beautiful windchime surrounded by Snapdragons, Fugi mums, Carnations, Hypericum, and other complimenting pink flowers.